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       Chekawe’s goal is to provide a new type of hair products. We have two lines of products Makawe and Cheveux one for men Makawe and one for women Cheveux. Our company sells hair products but you will soon discover that we are much more than just that.                                                                         We have many different products ranging from hair spray to hair gel, even a Dred-lock creator! With our hair products you’ll never have a bad hair day again. With our perfect length serum you’ll never feel uncomfortable with your look and style. We aren’t just a hair product though we are more technologically advanced than all of our competitors. When you go to the barber shop you can go on the Chekawe app (Made by the IT department) and choose the look that you want. Then you can buy our other products and never lose that great style!                                                              What separates us from our competitors is our products our more advanced and they will make you look your best.  Chekawe’s vision is that everyone will love and use our products and a bad hair day will be a thing of the past. Our target market is anyone that cares about their hair and style, and is willing to spend a little money to get that perfect look.

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